Microendoscopic Spine Institute

(617) 732-5385

Records Review

Microendoscopic surgery is the least invasive technique for the treatment of many different spine conditions. Nonetheless, there are a few conditions, such as fractures, deformity, and tumors, which cannot typically be treated by microendoscopic surgery, and do require more conventional approaches.

At MSI, we recognize that most people will not have access to these procedures in their region and that traveling to MSI may be difficult.  In order to respect the time of our potential patients, we encourage patients to submit medical records to our office prior to traveling to Boston for consultation.  Potential patients can send their notes and imaging reports for review prior to scheduling travel for a clinic visit in person.  This allows patients to save their time and money, and determine if they are candidates for microendoscopic spine surgery, without ever leaving home.

Records should only be submitted for review if there is an office note from a spine specialist and MRI report available. The combination of the imaging report and office note from a spine specialist should provide enough information to make a reasonable assessment about potential candidacy for microendoscopic surgery, although treatment plans cannot be definitively determined without a clinical examination in person and review of the actual images themselves.

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